
Friday, December 17, 2010

Changing Names

Hi All!  Can you believe in the middle of all the hub bub of the holiday season here I am thinking ahead about the new year.  Seriously?  Yep, it's true! 

Calm down now, I am not thinking about celebrating...yet.  LOL!  With the new year fast approaching I am eager to move towards change.  Next month I'll be refocusing on my priorities and what to do towards getting there.

  One thing I know I am going to do is change the name of my blog.  Why????  Well, it just doesn't fit anymore!   Yes, yes, I am SailingSimply through life but my blog is not primarily all about sailing.  I need a name that fits my blog.  After nearly a year of blogging I have a better idea of what that is.  Well actually, I have a better idea of the importance of naming your blog appropriately.  

Good news is, I have one!  I love it!  It fits!  Now all I need to do is figure out how to change it?  Do I just change the settings on this one?  Should I just create a whole new blog?  Creating a new blog would mean possibly loosing the few followers I have who may not change over or whom don't look at my blog often but do enjoy occasionally dropping in.  That being said, I am more inclined to change the name of this one.  However a new blog would give me a fresh start on picture space, wouldn't it?  Just thinking!

My next question has to do with owning your own domain. I don't quite have a total understanding of  all that, but think I kind of understand what that means.  Please, feel free to comment on exactly what that means!  This is not something I feel the need to rush into (the domain thing) but definitely will want to consider this since the name I have chosen would be one I want people to associate with me.   I may want to use this new name in the future in any personal business adventures as well so I want to make sure it is all mine.  I have no clue how to go about doing that and would appreciate any and all advice on that. 

  I am really looking forward to a new year, a new name and a fresh start!  Well ladies, what do you think....what's your best advice?  I would love to hear from you on this!  Thanks!


  1. I can answer your question about owning your own domain name, since I did that about a year and a half ago. If you do it at the same time you change your blog name, it will be quick and so easy if you buy it right from Blogger.

    Here's the scoop: Go to your Dashboard, click on Settings in the tabs at the top, then click on Publishing.

    The page that comes up says Advanced Settings. To the right of that is says, Need A Domain? Buy one now.

    Notice on that page it says, "We won't leave your reader behind." Once you purchase your domain through Blogger/Google they will automatically redirect your readers to your new domain. This stays in effect forever. (I just typed in my old blogger address and it went directly to my new one and it's been over a year.)

    Now I've seen others who just left a post on their old blog with a post directing their readers to their new blog, but I LOVE having my own domain name. When I'm out and about and it's easier to tell folks I'm at than having to include ".blogspot" into the mix. Best $10 I ever spent on my blog.

    Can't wait to see what your new name will be. Off with the old and on with the new. Congrats!

    They made it so easy! I pay $10 a year for this service.

  2. Sounds good Mary. The name of your blog is important. I never gave mine a second thought, as when I named it, actually it was a suggestion from an RMS'er, now I have shortened but can always add the Carolinas part. The Debbiedoos part has meaning. Looks like you have your answer on the domain, which is great. Can't wait to see the changes Mary. Change is good!

  3. I don't know a thing about changing the name etc. but I love that you want to make it something that is more 'you.'

    I thought about changing the name of mine but then we moved and I have had to much to think about.

    I can't wait to hear the new name!

  4. I have given thought to changing the name of my blog but I have reservations just like you. Will my followers come with me and I don't want to lose anyone.
    I guess I will stay as is for now. Glad to know about the domain name.

  5. Geesh...I say just go with what Shellbelle said!!!
    I love your name and clicked on it because I thought it was beachy and ... well....I am attracted to that!!! But you always have to go with your heart!
    Good luck:)


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