
Thursday, November 4, 2010

G is for Gobble

Good Morning Miss Jenny!  I'm here! I'm here!  Yes mam, I am feeling quite spunky this morning.  As  a matter of fact I'm rearing to go, ya know!   Oh yes mam, I did bring my homework today.  Here ya are, it was "G" right?  I thought so, and that would be "G" is for Gobble, Gobble!  Hee-hee!!!

Well, go ahead, sit right down, you know you want to.

Go on, gobble-gobble-gobble!  Hee-hee! 
What?  Yes, mam, I am being silly.  I just can't help myself, but you know you would love to eat this.  I know that because cousin Mary sure would.  She'd eat this everyday if she could git (I mean get) away with it.  This here's for me!  She only serves this up when I come around cause she says,"You just can't get away with eating stuff like that when yer her age".  She's so silly!

I guess you got to be a little silly when the weather looks like that outside. Ughh!

Just look at those Grey skies, would you!

No mam, Grey is not my "G" word, it's Gobble remember Miss Jenny?   Are you feeling okay?
  Oh no mam, I wasn't trying to be sassy, just asking.  Lot's of older folks get off track easily.  Mam?  Oh no mam!  I wasn't trying to imply that you was old.  Mam? Yes, I meant to say, you ARE old.  What?  No mam, I didn't meant that!  Oh gosh!  Can I please just show you my homework now?  Thank you, whew!  

Like I said, G is for Gobble!  Yes mam, I thought that was clever too.  Ya see, I was visitin cousin Mary and I started looking around and saw a few Gobbles showing up.  I'll show ya!

Here's one in here kitchen!  I think this one ran that old rooster off of his perch.

Then when I walked into her dining room I saw another Gobble.

This was a big ole one here!

And right colorful too!

Then I turned my head some more and another Gobble popped right up.

He was sitting up there on her dishes like he owned the place.

I thought that other one was colorful, but this one takes the prize!  When I told cousin Mary I thought this one quite colorful she agreed right away.

She said, "Oh he's quite colorful alright, just look at that attitude!"  Hee-hee!  Sometimes, ole cousin Mary ain't quite half bad ya know.  She can be lot's of fun when she got her wits about her. 

Why she even invited me to go out to lunch with her today too, right after school of course.  She promised we'd go shopping after she picked me up from Alphabet Thursday.  She wants to look around some for more interesting Gobbles and such.  Mam?  What's that you say?  Yes mam, I do know the proper term for them birds.  No mam, I couldn't very well call them Turkeys could I?  That would be a "T" and not "G" then.  Gosh, Miss Jenny!   Are you sure you feeling Okay?  Maybe I'd better sit down and you can check someone else's homework now.  Just in case you need to go home early ya know.

Whew!  What time is it?  Is time to go yet?  I'm so excited!
I can't wait for that bell to ring!  I hope you have a good afternoon too!

"Little Missy"


  1. methinks there might be some holidays coming up soon

  2. lovin your GGGGobble display... your home is so pretty..

  3. I had waffles for breakfast this morning too - great minds think alike : )
    Your Thanksgiving decorations are so festive!! I need to work on my collection...

  4. Spunky!!!!haha!!!! Love your huge turkey platter!!!!

  5. Gobble Gobble indeed!

    Love are a hoot!!!

  6. This is such fun! I love the gobbles and the fun banter. Bet Jenny will love it too.

  7. This was great writing and the pictures were woderful to look at. I am jealous you have such nice gobbles!


  8. Hehe I love the decorations! You little table by the door is fabulous. If I lived nearby you might have to bolt it to the floor so I didn't try to steal it ;)

  9. Great platter and fun post! I'll have to look into this meme:@)

  10. Mary, I always enjoy your whimsical alphabet posts and this one surely did not disappoint either. Gobble, gobble

  11. Great collection of gobblers. La

  12. That last turkey with the shoes is quite adorable. Wherever did you get her? She would love a cozy spot in my home! Gobble gobble, you sure had some fun today.

  13. I would totally gobble gobble up those waffles! Thanks for stopping over at Mommahens coop! Glad to have ya' . Hope you come back!

  14. Very clever! I loved your pictures!

  15. All clever examples of G things.

  16. Thanks for the Giggles and Grins! This was very fun to read and I think Ms. Jenny will Grant you the Greatest Grade of all: A+!

  17. I loved how you played this out. Your gobbles were quite glorious.

  18. Great gobbles!....and lots of fun on a day that could be just a bit too serious - thanks for the break!

  19. You are GGGGRRRReat!

    This post had me smiling from start to finish!

    What fun!

    And how fun to discover that you collect turkeys, too!

    Thanks for the wonderful link to Alphabe-Thursday!

    And I will, indeed, gobble up those waffles as quick as my ancient little teeth can chew!

    Thanks for the smile.



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