
Monday, November 1, 2010

Blogging Help Needed

Good Morning, blogger friends!  I would love a little help and a few suggestions please. 

1.  Do you know how to "search" for blogs using a word to find other blogs that relate to that word?

For example when looking at someones blog in particular if you put the word "pumpkin" in the search box it will bring up all those posts relating to "pumpkins" for that blog.  I want a search that will give me listings of all "blogs" with the word, "pumpkin".  Can it be done?  If so please tell me how, or point me to the directions for help.

2.  How do you personally find new blogs about subjects you are interested in? 

Thanks for you help!


  1. One way to find blogs you may be interested in browsing -Find a blog you really like everything about it -then browse the blogs they follow or in the comment section there will often be bloggers that comment that have similar taste. Also say you like vintage cottage -just type that into your search engine and it will list blogs that contain that style. --I do not have a blog but I enjoy gaining inspiration from so many talented people . Hope this helps to get you started :-)

  2. Mary you can find blogs with like interests through or

  3. I'm the great clueless wonder.


    But in answer to your question, I tend to just surf away and see what I find. I have put the topic plus the word "blogspot" in the google box before when I was looking for kitchen ideas and it gave me some.

  4. Twitter! I use the search there. For instance if I am looking for a mom blog I type in mom and then look at the home pages of those who look interesting. If they blog they will have a link on their homepage or in their profile.


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