
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Family and Friends

Good morning Ms.  Jenny!  It's me Little Missy, How are ya?  Yes mam, I am okay.  No mam, I wasn't absent last week because I was sick.  I confess I was just playing hooky. I know, I know, that's bad right?   I just have to tell you though, lately I feel like I have had the wind sucked out of my sails!  I learned that saying there from my cousin Mary, she's such a nautical wanna be.  Yes mam, I suppose that was kinda rude to say, wasn't it?

Well, it ain't like she's my Friend or anything, she's just Family!  What's that?  You mean I should treat my family like my friends too?  Now why should I? I've tried that and it don't always work.  Ya see, Ms. Jenny, I've always thought the same thing too until recently.  It would seem some of my family members don't seem to think the same as that.  Mam?  I mean they do not always treat me like a friend, you understand?  I know they cared for me with they hearts, but they oughta learn to control they tongues too!  Yes mam, I am sorry about my language, but my poor grammar does seem to surface when I git upset, ya know!

Yes mam, I have had my feelings heart hurt! Seems there's members in my family that don't take to kindly to my blogging habits.   Funny thing is they don't even live in my house, or the same state even, yet they seem to know what I should or should not be doing.  They've made comments to me and my husband that have really gotten under my skin.  I have always had a part time job for years but got laid off early this year when the store I worked for closed.  It was a tough time for me and I have only recently been trying to get back in the work force after taking a much needed break.  Seems this break has been seen as being a slacker.  Especially since I have been using my free time to help cousin Mary decorate and blog!  They seem to have forgotten all the hard work I have put in for years and now think I am either being lazy or wasteful of my time.  Can you imagine?  I suppose I should be sitting here twiddling my thumbs with worry or taking up any ole job I can git according to some people! The Mr. has always supported me in finding jobs that I enjoy and that is a luxury I am very grateful for!  I intend to enjoy that privledge as long as our situation allows it.  I grew up knowing how quick life circumstances can change everything.  Never have I ever taken my blessings for granted!  I guess some folks just don't really know me after all. 

What I want to know is when did being family give you the right to be so unfriendly?  Does being a family member give you the right to be so critical of another?  Now don't get me wrong here, I do have some family members who are fine with me blogging, are totally supportive and encouraging, then there's the others!  My supportive family members know this is an outlet for me during this time and have appreciated seeing my creative side.   So why do I feel so deflated?  I just don't know!  All I know is, why can't family act more like friends at times!  Cause Lord knows, we could all use more friends!

That's all I got to say today for Alphabet Thursday
Have a great day!
"Little Missy"


  1. Lots of people just don't understand blogging. Little Missy just tell them to mind their own business!

  2. What is it with family members who feel they have a right to pass judgement? You've earned the right to your own leisure activities and creative outlets. Don't let the naysayers get you down!

  3. We will support your blogging habit!

  4. Oh Missy! You are your Aunt Mary are gals after my own heart! This so entirely resonates with me...did you read my post a couple of days ago??? It was a good old-fashioned "why me" kinda moment so you are in good company friends! I think you ARE doing something pretty amazing through your little ol' blog by encouraging and uplifting people across this wide world with your grace and hospitality and very obvious love for your home and your family! SO THERE! :-)

  5. Very cleverly written Missy! In the immortal words of Mr. Joel..."Go ahead with your own life, leave me alone!" Keep blogging.

  6. It sounds to me like this would be a good post for the letter J. J is for jealousy. Unfortunately, we all have people in our lives who like to devalue things we enjoy because they feel it is unattainable by them.

    Keep on keeping on cause we are your friends! La

  7. Well, the old saying goes that you can pick your friends, but not your family.

    I would say carry on whatever brings you joy in life, no matter what anyone else thinks or says. Life's too short to not enjoy it!

  8. I don't know. I hope they change and can enjoy the fact that you have had a break.

  9. I think you've got a legitimate complaint there! And I'm sorry some members of your family (who should indeed be your best supporters) are criticizing you.

    Having said that, it doesn't pay to let it get you down. I kinda think it takes a blogger to understand another blogger's drive to blog. I'm sure some people in my family thing I'm a little nuts, too.

    Fortunately, they haven't said it to my face.



  10. Ummm...blogging is a hobby like other hobbies. So it would be ok if you were say, golfing or hunting, right? Hmmm...just want you to know that I'm really glad you are blogging and decorating and you have time to blog and decorate. Life is too darn short to pass on the small things in life that we treasure.

  11. I couldn't agree with you more. . .family can be so challenging!

    Why must they be so judgemental. I'm not judging them. . .so I wish they would just leave me alone!

  12. I am always telling Rod that he should be as considerate of me than he is of his friends! Sometimes I think we forget that our family are also our friends!!

  13. My family already figures I'm crazy, so they just shrug their shoulders and I keep taking their pictures promising I'm not going to post them to Facebook (hee! hee!).

  14. It's always that way . It hurts more coming from family and I agree about watching the things we say to them because it does hurt more .

  15. Oh that is funny! And we can relate to "Little Missy" for sure! We have been working on our contemporary christian cd for about 5 months, and my mom who lives next door is a well-known southern gospel writer. She HATES contemporary and does not have a problem letting us know. So she think my poor husband is just sitting here at the computer wasting time when he's actually recording and mixing tracks. We just don't talk about it with her. I guess that's how it is sometimes!!

  16. I've been through this situation with others who just don't get the blogging thing. I say it's their loss, look at all we bloggers have gained — new friends around the world, a fabulously creative outlet and just a whole lot of fun!

    Finally back from my break and I'm glad I was here to read this! We bloggers have to stick together, lol.

  17. I know and understand what you are saying, Little Missy. My advice is...keep on blogging! It is an amazing creative outlet. Blogging got me through a couple of rough patches, over the past three and a half years. It is a wonderful hobby that, in the end, has led me to another wonderful hobby (photography). I do get strange looks from folks over blogging, including from family members, but I haven't let it stop me and you should not let it stop you either.

    No one has ever said anything, but those odd looks speak volumes.

    Happy Weekend!:-)

  18. Well, Little Missy, blogging is fun! It's an outlet! It's a way to interact with the world. Kinda like reading, ya know? It brings the world to you door. And then you git to reach out to the world!
    Blog on!

  19. Oh Little Missy,

    I'm sorry you're getting 'dissed about doing something you love.

    I've been on the edge of that sword a lot of times, too. My Mom and my sisters have actually said "I can't believe anybody reads that stupid stuff you write" so I have developed a new philosophy.

    I don't tell them anything. I don't ask for their opinion. And when they say something mean I ask them "Why would you say something like that to me?"

    Narrow minded people always feel the need to express their negative opinions. And narrow minded people wouldn't be the ones you would be-friend anyway.

    Consider the source, limit their ability to attack, and remember that blogging is for you. You are enjoying it! It's an outlet for your creative energy and talents!

    And let me know if I need to smack any of them with a ruler! I'll be totally happy to!

    Thanks for linking this fabulous post to Alphabe-Thursday!



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