
Thursday, October 7, 2010

C is for Comfort

Hello Miss Jenny, I hope you don't mind but I have decided to fill in for Little Missy today.  I think the poor thing is just so very tired that she needs a rest.  She said her spirits are rather down and she just doesn't want to go to school today.  I can certainly understand that, can't you?   We all feel low at times and just need a break.  I myself have been dealing with some very unsettling issues lately and they certainly do take a toll on your energy levels.

Luckily for me, I have also had a few good things going on as well that help to balance out the weight of my stresses.  I also work very hard at maintaining that balance when things feel off kilter by focusing on my comfort items.   Of course the things that bring me the most comfort of all are not things but people, like family and friends and our furry friends.  But today I am sharing those other things that also bring me comfort.

 In the mornings I like to start out my day with coffee.  Here's my newest coffee maker I had to purchase after my Cuisinart stopped working.  We went with a Mr.Coffee this time around, much more economical.  Don't even think that I would ever give up this creature comfort!  I tried, it's sooo not worth it, what was I thinking?

 I really enjoy my specialty coffee on the weekends.   I add half of the classic roast Folgers with half of the vanilla biscotti Folgers in my coffee maker.  It's a wonderful treat that both me and the Mr. look forward too.  I love the smell of this coffee too!

I totally love my comfort foods too.  I learned about this one as a child.  While I do not have one of these often, it totally makes me feel great when I do indulge.  Yep, that's a banana, peanut butter, and mayo sandwich.  Yum!  Of course, I prefer homemade chocolate chip cookies, but honestly any chocolate chip cookie is comforting to me!  I know you would probably have to agree, right?

This meal is one of my all time favorite comfort meals for dinner.  I am so glad the cooler weather is back and I can make this again for supper.  We just cannot eat soup in the summer here in our household.

Yum, yum!  Potatoe soup, with toppings, and garlic bread.  It doesn't get much more comforting then that.

This belongs to the Mr. but I have a few too.  Fleece pullovers are super comforting! 

Here's a double comfy photo, no wait, a triple comfy photo!  A great pair of comfortable jeans, and furry chenille socks!  Can you guess the third comfort I see, of course it's the ottoman.  I just adore a home with ottomans.

Especially when you get to sit by a nice cozy fire with your feet up.  Sorry, you'll just have to imagine the fire for now.  We have a wood burning fireplace and I don't have any of those cute little manufactured logs on hand yet.  But you can bet your bottom dollar I will soon.  I love to have a nice fire going during the day if I'm home and those logs are perfect for me! 

The ottoman by the fireplace is also another great place to curl up with more comforts like a good book!  Here are just a few I am enjoying right now.  The book by Robin McGraw is a library book and is offering quite a bit of comforting information about growing older and managing your health.  I haven't started on the other book yet.  My inlaws gave it to me after I saw it at their house and thought it looked interesting.  I can't wait to read it.  I understand it will offer spiritual comfort.

Candles also bring me comfort.  There is just something so soothing about the glow of candlelight.

Here are two of my most favorite comforts.  Stretching out in the evening on my cozy couch to watch TV with the family.  My wonderful afghan, handmade by my mother is perfect to take the chill off and always wraps me with such a warm feeling of security too!  I just love it!

And finally at the end of the day, a great big cozy bed is the ultimate.  We invested in a good mattress last year and it really has made a world of difference in the quality of our sleep.  I highly recommend this very important creature comfort!  But do you see the other comfort in this photo?  It's one that I just recently put back on.  It's not just any extra blanket, it's a nice high quality "no pill" fleece blanket! 

So, there's my homework Miss Jenny.  How did I do for Alphabet Thursday?  I hope this will be sufficient for a good grade.  I understand Little Missy has been doing quite well and I wouldn't want to bring her average down.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone else's homework this week too!

Thanks for visiting!  Have a great afternoon!


  1. Ahhhhhh. I am feeling comforted as can be from your cozy post. You have made my day.


    PS. What kind of bed did you get? It sounds like you are happy with it, and we're in the market for one...

  2. Hi Mary! Well, you gave me one more reason to like you...we have the same coffee maker and drink the same kind of coffee! :-) I even mix mine too, same brand and all! I am fighting a cold today so this was the perfect post for me to read (with my cup of coffee sitting close by of course)! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
    P.S. I LOVE your monogrammed pillows!

  3. You make me want to go right now and snuggle on the couch with a cup of soup and a good book...


  4. Hi Mary you are a girl after my own heart. Love my coffee first thing. And what a good looking mega sandwich that was...the cookies were awesome too. Bonnie read that book, by Robin and she loved it!

  5. I'll take a cup of Vanilla Biscotti coffee please. Have a great day! La

  6. Very inviting and so comfortable. We have Folgers in the morning here too...then Dunkin Donuts on the weekends! I'd love to snuggle up on that comfy couch and wear my fuzzy socks!
    Thanks for sharing! I loved this!

  7. Lots of comfort here!

    I like a peanut butter and banana sandwich now and then. I also like a peanut butter and bread and butter pickle sandwich. I discovered peanut butter and pickle sandwiches while reading Sue Grafton's alphabet series. I think hers are dill pickles but the b&b pickles are also scrumptious with peanut butter.

  8. This is comfort with a capital C! I love your cozy home!


  9. Mmmm... I think I'll go have a cookie, and then take a nap.
    what an adorable post! thanks!!!

  10. Great post and you and I like the same comfort foods. Have to have my coffee in the morning and sometimes at night I like a cup. I am so glad to find someone else on this earth that eats peanut butter, banana and mayo together. My hubby doesn't like mayo with pb and I think it is better that way. You and I are kindred spirits.

  11. I love how you have the topping on the turn table for all to share. I know it's not a turn table. I just can't think of the right name.

  12. Thanks for the visit! I love your list of comfort things...potato soup is the BEST (although I add a little sage to mine.) Now if I could just put together the comfy jeans (wearing those now!), socks, good books, a fire in the fireplace, some candles and a cup of that soup....yup, I'd be a happy camper! :-)

  13. I think you made an A+. My hubby and I had potato soup last night. Yummy!!

  14. You have put together the best "C is for Comfort" post, ever. Coffee, potato soup, nanner sammiches with mayo, fuzzy socks and soft jeans.. Now if you just lived next door so I could come and visit it would be perfect..
    Thank you for a wonderful start to my morning..

  15. Such great pictures, and all the comfort that I'm clearly embraced!

  16. just reading this post brought me comfort! I give you an A+! :)

  17. You certainly have a good handle on the comforts of life! Nice post.

  18. Mmmmmm I love your comforts, and share a love for several of them. Every morning I grind my own beans - half regular and half vanilla hazelnut. I love a good fire, fuzzy socks and a good book - ahhhhh comfort!

  19. I love all of your comforts !! My husband would totally love one of those sandwiches (I'll take the cookies)! I, too, can't wait to make soups (white chili and taco soup being my faves)! Your sofa and throw look very inviting (of cours, while wearing fuzzy socks)! And, your bedding is gorgeous! There is no way you can't get over daily stress, having such a beautiful home to "retire" to! Thanks for sharing, Becca

  20. You had me at COMFORT, lost me at MAYO (with peanut butter yuk...but also waay too much fat)
    and got me back with POTATO SOUP!!

    Lovely post :)
    I feel relaxed now!


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