
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lookout! More Creepy Crawlys are on the loose!

Last week before watering my plants I was looking at one of my deck planters and wondering why the potato vine plant was loosing its leaves.  My other planter looked just fine and those vines seemed to be thriving quite well despite the heat of this summer.

Strange that this one vine in the middle is also doing so well....

...when the vine on this side looks bare like this, and....

.. the vines on this side look like this!  What has happened to these leaves?  They certainly aren't laying on the deck, all dried up!  Then the Mr. came out and put it all into focus for me.

Look what he spotted on my plant.  YUCK!  Just what the heck is this?  I've only seen this type of thing once before on tomatoes plants one year.  We were also trying to grow those on this deck too.

No, that is not a potato vine leaf all twisted up!

It is a creepy crawly of the worst kind!

Just look at that weird no faced creature!

I am sure he is getting his wonderful color straight from the consumption of my potato vine leaves.
Disgusting!  I am not a fan of this thing!

So next time your leaves start to disappear take a closer look, you might just be surprised at what creepy crawly creatures are lurking right before your eyes.

Joining for Outdoor Wednesday. 

Thanks for visiting me today, hope I haven't grossed you out too bad!  LOL!


  1. Great post! I hate those creepy crawlers....eww!! I don't like insects. Glad to hear you figured out what was ruining the vines. Thanks for sharing! ~Liz

  2. sneaky little thing , isnt he.. Now maybe all your vines can grown lush and full...


  3. Mary, that is a cut worm I think. They usually attack our maple trees out front. We will notice some branches cleaned of their leaves. It doesn't take them long. We didn't get them this year thank goodness. Great shots.

  4. Ewwwwwww!!!! I thought it was a leaf! Grossssssss!!! I don't care for critters/worms/bugs of any sort! Now my skin is crawling. Hopefully they are easy to get rid of!

  5. Yuck, I actually thought it was a green leaf!!!

    Very creepy crawley!


  6. Oh my! I didn't see that guy myself until you pointed it out!! He sure is camouflaged well.
    I believe that is some kind of caterpillar; it looks like a hawkmoth caterpillar, because of the "horn" on the end or it could be a sphinx moth caterpillar, which looks really similar.

  7. I think they are called Tomato Horn Worms. I came face to face with one years ago in my garden and nearly peed myself!! It made me even sicker to find that the only way to get rid of them is to pick them off! Ooooooooh!


  8. I had those one year on tomatoes and it creeped me out very badly! Yuck!!

  9. OK, yikes. I feel this crawling on my legs and back right now. ewww....ewwww....ewwwww....


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