
Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Break

For my regular followers, I wish you all a very happy Labor Day weekend!   I am going to take a break from the labor of posting to get caught up on all your wonderful blogs.   For me this also means I'm probably holding back on commenting on some of your wonderful posts too!  I've been doing this somewhat for awhile now as it seems the only way I can visit more.   This doesn't mean I don't care about your post it just means I need more time to visit more friends.  I hate it when I loose a friend, even an online friend.  I do pay attention to my friends who follow and feel sad when someone leaves.   I really am trying to keep up with everyone but honestly, I just get so overwhelmed at times.

It is not easy for me to create my own posts to share, visit all of you who comment, visit those I follow and visit everyone in all the parties I join!  Okay, let me say it now, I am not a super blogger!  I probably never will be.  It is very hard for me to keep up even under the best of circumstances.

Lately the circumstances in our family (both our extended families) have not been the best, and have left us with a sad resignation of things to be.  This is the way of life at times.  We do know that God is with us and it is in his hands and for that we are so grateful.  I tell you this because I want some of you to know if I am neglectful at times it is because life's circumstances have taken over.  So, if I have offended any of you I am sorry.  I love reading and "looking" at all of your wonderful blogs and golly there are soooo many!  So please bear with me as I take some time this weekend to enjoy your wonderful posts and continue to spy and lurk on you awhile and rest up a bit.  

Hope you enjoy your Labor Day too...labor free!
Have a good one!


  1. Hi! I think that in Blogland no one should have to apologize for tending to the stuff of "real life"! There should always be grace given to our online friends just as we would our other friends, knowing that things get crazy and we can't always be everything for everyone! No guilt!
    Hope you can get some good down-time this weekend and truly REST, in every sense of the word!

  2. Hello Mary
    I hope you have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend.

    I know exactly what you are saying about visiting etc. I have found I have had to visit on the fly, at times.

    Back when I began blogging, 4 years ago, next March, it was easy to get to everyone and leave comments. There were few events and I don't recall weekly parties, at that time. Last January, I came to the conclusion that I just could not get around to everyone on the lists and take care of my list I follow. I backed away and did small parties for awhile. Sort of regrouped. Just recently I've added links to some of the larger parties, but I am still not doing this every week.

    Blogging Without Obligation is a great idea.

    I've lost some followers along the way.

    I am a happier blogger now that I have decided on a somewhat laid back approach to visiting and commenting. I know lots of people come by the Back Porch, read and don't comment every time.

    It took awhile for me to get over the guilt of not commenting on every single post and for that matter returning comments. I was glued to the computer all day and my rear took on a whole new look! Seriously! I am still battling that side affect!

    I always want blogging to be a fun experience. An escape, so to speak. I've always said, when it became work, I'd back away. I am now blogging about things I enjoy and I am really a lot less stressed than I was in the frenetic days of spending all day every day on the computer.

    It is just after 6 AM, here at Lake of the Ozarks. A couple of our babies are visiting. At the moment they are snoozing. I am catching a moment to visit a couple of blogs, before our day begins.

    Happy blogging!

  3. Oh, I hope all will be well with your family and I do understand that we need to take care of our families and ourselves. Just do what you need to do and when you're able to come back we'll be here.
    I really do appreciate you popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Oh dont' be apologizing! There is only so much time in a day! I have lost a couple of followers as well. It just happens! Just keep blogging for YOU and it will be fine :)

  5. Mary we all lose followers everyday. That is the nature of it. DO NOT take it personal...their loss anyhow is what I say:) You enjoy the day, your family and don't sweat it babe!~ I just did an very good post with lots of it when you get a half a second...well more than that, if you want to read all the comments too. Have a good one!

  6. I'm all for 'no guilt blogging'. I recently took a little break - a week of no posting and little reading, and it recharged my creative batteries.
    Enjoy your break!

  7. Hope you had a restful weekend... FREE from obligatory guilt. You are one person with 24 hours in a day.

  8. Well, I think everyone has hit the nail on the head. Blogging is supposed to be FUN, not a chore. Life does get in the way and while I would love to spend more time visiting, I have things I have to take care of right now.

    Sorry to hear your family is dealing with some issues. Family comes first and I hope that the tide turns in their favor soon. I've been dealing with "stuff" also and had to put blogging on the back burner. I'm still going to visit when I can, but I'm moving again. This place didn't work out well, so I'm packing again and moving on. Life does hand us challenges, so you do the best you can.

    btw, I read about your Fall decor first and let me say — it's lovely! Smart idea about changing out the pillow covers.

  9. You don't even have to begin to apologize. Blogging is for you ultimately. You don't have to worry about anybody but yourself and your family. They are what is most important. We will always be here to see your lovely posts!


Hi Fellow Dreamers! Blogging is all about sharing. I enjoy reading your comments so please feel free to drop me a comment to let me know your here if you see something you like. Thank you so much!