
Sunday, September 26, 2010

I made a Tassel!

Look what I made!  I am so excited!  I have been seeing all these wonderful tassels out there that our blogging friends are making and have wanted to do one myself.  I even saw some for sale at Michaels that look very much like the tassels everyone in blogland is selling.  They were not nearly as nice though! 

I have been putting it together in my head for a few weeks now and knew how I was going to do it, just not too sure how it was going to all come together.  So I finally sat down Sunday afternoon and whipped out all the items I thought I would use.

I knew I wanted to make a Halloween tassel and remembered I had some small statue figures in my Halloween box.  I decided to go ahead an unpack a few more of the smaller items too.

Then I pulled out all the ribbons I thought might be the best options to use.  Turns out I didn't quite have the size or colors I really wanted to use, but I wasn't going to let that stop me this time.  I was determined to do this without paying a dime, using things I already had.

First up was this Styrofoam base.  It was thicker then this but I cut it in half.  Now I have another piece I can use for the next one.

Next item I used was a doily similar to the one above except it was an off white one.  I have a few more of these just sitting around from a project I was going to make many many years ago. 

The next thing I used was this beaded trim.  I just gotta have a little bling you know!

Then out came the glue gun.

First I glued the doily over the Styrofoam then glued the ribbon around it.  In retrospect I wish I had glued the beaded trim around the end of the doily to make it longer since I did have more that would have gone around that perimeter easily enough.  Oh well, this is a learning project.

Then I added these ribbons I had left over from other decorating around the house.

Then I cut this fabric into strips to use.  I only needed a small amount of this.  I have had this from a costume I made for Halloween year ago.  It's not burlap but sure looks a lot like it doesn't it?  I forgot all about it until I saw several of your projects decorated with burlap and then remembered I had it.  Yippee!

I then glued the figure to the top and a little something extra, I'll show you that in a minute.   First, let me show you one more step I did on the bottom. 

I turned it over and painted the bottom with this decoupage glue.  That way the Styrofoam will not shed so easily.  I know there's other steps I probably should have take to prevent that but that's just what I did.

And here it is before attaching the hanging ribbon.

I kinda like him just like this too.  He makes an excellent candle topper, don't you think?

Here's the little something extra I added.  I went through my buttons to see what I had, and found this old upholstery tack with a nice brown and rust fabric already on it.  Easy peasy, all I had to do was push it right in!

Pretty cute!

Now here it is, with a hanging ribbon attached.  I just attached the ribbon around his hat.  I think if I were going to use him permanently as a tassel I would attach a ring to his head.  I actually even have small extra rings in my jewelry box, but I'm not committed to that idea yet.

I just love it!  I know it's not as wonderful as all the beautiful ones for sale by all of you pros, but this is my first attempt and I am feeling pretty good about it.  I hope you like it too..

What a fun way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon! 

Please be sure and join me and my other creative friends for Metamorphosis Monday.
There always something changing on Mondays!

Have a great week!


  1. Oh I love it. It turned out gorgeous. Love your little figure, and using the doillie is so pretty. You did a fabulous job. Hugs, Marty

  2. Love it! It is so cute :) The doily and the beads really add a lot!

  3. You did a great job. I've been thinking about making some for Christmas gifts for friends at work. You have inspired me to go ahead and give it a try.

  4. That is just the cutest!! What a great way to reuse, repurpose, recycle and make an awesome project.

  5. Mary, that is too too cute. You did a wonderful job. Raining here too today and tomorrow. yay.

  6. Look at you craft Monkey!!~ Love did a great job Mary. Just think you can make those as gifts too:)

  7. Absolutely adorable! Now I want to start digging around my house to see if I have stuff like yours! Love it!

  8. Oh my gosh...that is ADORABLE!! I'm impressed. What a fun project and you can keep and decorate with it for years to come.

    It's raining here too! Thanks for the tutorial. I've always wanted to know how to make one! *smile* Xo ~Liz

  9. This turned out so cute! I absolutely love it!!!

  10. Oh, that is so cute! I love it!...Christine

  11. So cute and so fun!
    I just love your tassel, great job!

  12. Mary, I just love it is absolutely adorable. You really did an amazing job.I'm enjoying your music here also.

  13. Oh, I think you did a fantastic job! It is just so cute. Okay, I have been loving these for well over a year now. And I think I just might have to give a try at making one!! you inspired me.

    Have a terrific day!

  14. You are sooo clever! Glad to find you.

  15. Hi Mary! That is just darling! I have a feeling even this "un-crafty" girl could make that one!
    Although I'm quite sure that my daughter would take one look at that cute pumpkin guy and claim it as her own. It would look sweet hanging on her door handle, though....oh now I am going to have to make one!

  16. Hi Mary! Oh, yes you did make a tassel and he's adorable! He's just darling hanging there!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. That is awesome!!! Now you need to make me one!

  18. Oh he is cute. You should be proud of your accomplishment. I love the items you used to make him. You go girl!

  19. I'm lovin' your cute tassel! As I'm reading my mind was running through what assorted ribbons I have in the closet... might be one in my future too-thanks!

  20. This is just adorable. You did a great job on him, Mary!! Aren't you just the talented one!

    Thanks for stopping by! I am probably a little more open and honest than I should be but hey, it's me! I guess I have had enough experience and counseling to know we all have "stuff" from our past that shapes who we are and no need to pretend!!!

    I have been getting my books now from the library. I used to do ebay and then would sell them again which was great but took time. The library is free and I was surprised that they had so many I want to read!

    Have a great day!!

  21. Your tassel is adorable. Great tutorial.

  22. He is so cute, I like him hanging. Thanks for stopping.....A finger bone YIKKES! You win that is the creepiest!


  23. I can't believe that this is your first tassel! So cute and you did a great job. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers while we are moving yet again. And no, it hasn't kept me in shape. I have gained 5 lbs:(

  24. Ohmygosh, I love him! You did a great job ... and, thanks for sharing such detailed and easy to follow instructions. I've always wanted to attempt this! So clever! Thanks again (and thanks for your sweet note about my Fall mantel)! Have a great day, *Becca*

  25. The tassel came out BEAUTIFUL!!! And I'm SO glad you posted how you did it, I have been wanting to do one of these for far too long!!! Love it! :)


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