
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rounding Up the Roosters

Just what is it about these Roosters that gets so many of us clucking about like a bunch of fussy mother hens?   Quite frankly, the whole rooster collecting phenomenon has been one that has escaped me for some time.  At least that's what I've always claimed!

You see, it's not that I've had my head stuck in the grain somewhere, it's just that I've kept my eyes turned elsewhere, outside the roost.  I've had several friends who's homes are full of feathers. So full are their homes that I have sat and listened to the tales of husbands and young children desperately trying to escape the overcrowded living conditions of their own pens.   I have heard the muffled chuckles and seen the eyes rolling all too often from those living with a rooster collector.  I have vowed never to become like those women.  I will not give in!  I will not subject my family to such nonsense, roosters belong outside and that's that!  So, I began a quest to purposely ignore these divine beauties, no matter how often they crossed my path.  No matter that they also held such magnificent colors as one has ever seen.  I would not give in!  Not me!

Then this spring I came across a fantastic deal on an old washstand.  I did some restoration on it and set it on my front porch.  It was farmhouse divine!  The only thing missing was, well, a rooster.  No problem, I'll just see if I can't find one of those cute metal roosters, surely ONE rooster outside can't hurt!

It doesn't really have a lot of color either, unless you happen to notice that beautiful patina of brown, green, gold and hints of red.  Not many feathers either unless you happen to love those beautiful cutout swirls.  So this surely cannot be one of those Roosters that sends someone into a frenzy, can it?

I mean, just because it looks so proud and sure and appears to have such an attitude, that's not reading to much into it, is it?

And you must know that I have always been a fanatic about candles, and I really love candle shades.  The deal I got on this shade from a yard sale was so good, I hardly even noticed that cute little rooster on the shade.  No matter that he has such wonderful coloring, it really means nothing to me!

I promise you coloring means nothing to me! That is...until, I came across this beauty!  My heart stood still!  It was at an estate sale and I spotted him in the pictures on the Internet prior to the sale.  No, I did not go to this sale just for this rooster, surely you know there was other stuff too!

Just look at those colors though!  Have you ever seen such fancy?  I just certainly have not!  I was totally smitten and fell head over heels when I saw that he was no ordinary fine feathered friend.  It was a Coq Du Village of the Fitz and Floyd family!  

I am starting to think maybe there is something more to having these roosters around then I had suspiciously suspected.  Suddenly, I am feeling very comforted with each and every glance of my new feathered friends.  Perhaps they want more friends to join them, just to keep them company you know, when I'm not around of course!

They even called out their friends from corners of my house I hadn't known they were hiding in.  How did I miss this dearie on my favorite old coffee mug that has a chip on it! 

Or this Old friend hiding in my sons room!

Did I really not notice them when I brought them into our home years ago?  IDK!

 They can be quite tricky, these clever birds!  Invading your home without notice, and taking up roost in the most unusual spots.  So please take it from me, proceed with caution where roosters are concerned!

Or you may just find yourself inviting them to the table,

And treating them as a guest of honor...

In good standing, because they are so purrrtty,

Or appear to be so well bred!

If you think I've become one of those crazy rooster collecting women you might be right.  Click on the following link to see more collections and roosters of distinction @
for a Rooster Blog Party

Hope you enjoyed your visit today, please don't fly the coop without leaving me a note.


  1. Oh, you gave in to the rooster collecting disease. I love those dishes and thanks for the fun post.

  2. Hi...I am using a Sidebar Linking System and there was a deadline but your post is so adorable, give me a minute to link you and I will be right back to comment.

    You just need to click the links on my sidebar and go to the Rooster Party participants.

    Barb ♥

  3. Okay, now you are linked.

    Your roosters are lovely. I especially love the dishes. I am a huge Fitz and Floyd fan.

    Thanks so much for joining us. Hope you have a wonderful time visiting the rooster girls.

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  4. Hi Mary...yep we all sucked you in...I knew it would happen, it always does. I tried to get rid of them many many many times....they come back every time...I am not sure what it is...they are cute, fun, colorful, warm....I guess that is it. And you got all that going on too now:) Loved your post, you are funny too.

  5. LOVE the Fitz and Floyd plates! You have a great collection of roosters! I have three, but they are about to grow significantly! Thanks for stopping by:-)

  6. How cute! Very clever and creative! Yep, you're hooked! I enjoyed this very much! I think my favorite is the first one made of metal!

    I have just posted my roosters for the party, you are invited!


  7. Your just too funny girl..Hey you been becked by the ROO girl...once it starts there no cure for it ha ha!! And what a find collection you DON"T have there...Hope you have a GREAT weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  8. you are so funny!!!! you crazy rooster woman!!! I have said your same words time ans time again! I love your rooster on your porch!!!

  9. I love this cute post! What colorful and wonderful collection you have started. That cupboard is just wonderful, I love the look of that and your dishes are so pretty!

  10. Oh yes, you've been bitten! My animal of collecting is the bunny, and I'm very picky about how they look, too. My Mom is the rooster collector in our family.

  11. You have such precious roosters! Love your sweet mug. :)

  12. Lovely Roosters and I'm in love with your gorgeous Dishes!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Such sweet ceramic roosters. And your rooster dinnerware is so lovely as well! A very enjoyable visit :)

  14. That first tall, proud, holey rooster is my favorite from your site AND he is among my top favorites for the entire party!!!

  15. Those plates are outstanding!!! I can't wait to see a tablescape with them-enjoy!

  16. This was so funny, I honestly thought it was going to be just the one rooster outside, BUT no, you sucked me right into your little game and your wonderful collection!

    (The outdoor one is still my favorite though.)

  17. Love your rooster collection! It's easy to get carried away isn't it;)?!

    Your dishes are beautiful!


  18. I have been trying to get around to all the rooster parties!! There are so many!! I love your roosters! Nothing better to me! That cabinet is to die for with the blue and white roosters. Your plates are really pretty too!

    Thank you for all the awesome comments you have given me about my home. I just love your home, too. As for teenagers, I think I would like it a little better if mine would want to put some posters up! Sometimes I think they are too hooked on video and computer games to be interested in what I call "kid life"! They are only in the room to sleep so I don't think they care much about their room.

    Maybe I am too controlling and they won't tell me!!! lol Who knows!

  19. Oh I have fallen head over heals over your Fitz & Floyd rooster plates. They are such beauties! I also love the chest with the broken tile look on the doors. You've got some great roosters, and I think you're right - they invade our homes (or else multiply in our homes) without our knowing it. laurie

  20. No matter how hard you try, these guys have a way of entering your home and your heart. You just can't stay away from them, they are so cute. All it takes is one and you have opened the door. So pretty, love the dishes, Char


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