
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

CSN Giveaway Winner and Thrifty Bargains

I have a winner!  Yay!!!  Yippee!  Hoorah!!!  A big round of congrats goes to lucky number 15!  I am happy to report she is one of our own bargain hunters too.  My mercy, I was even over at her place this morning coveting her latest find!  You see, I think her latest find would look good in my house, that 's why I was coveting!  LOL!  It really was a gorgeous piece you see, it's this lovely old settee from Ethan Alan no less and in perfect condition too!  It is totally adorable in a floral fabric that has absolutely no wear an tear whatsoever.  She got an amazing bargain on it too!   

 Ooops, I'm getting off the point here, right, so just who is this winner?  Well, let me first tell you where her place is, then you will know who I'm talking about.  Her place is....That Old House!  You know the one I'm talking about right?  Congratulations to...

Cass @

You are the winner of the $40.00 gift certificate from CSN Stores!  Winner chosen by  Please send me your email so I can let you know how to claim your prize after I get the details.  My email is under contact me in my header.  Thanks so much to all the rest of you for your entries and for making my first giveaway a success!  Please be sure and visit Cass to congratulate her and ogle her new settee if your like me!

Wait!!! Maybe, you could just stick around a minute more though and ogle my bargains too!  I've got a few deals of my own I'd like to share with you today for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday!  Please be sure and check out more thrifty deals at the link above, you may be surprised how far a buck can go!

Last week I went shopping for a birthday present for a very dear friend of mine.  I so want to show you what I got for her but that will have to wait.  She's been out of town and we haven't exchanged gifts yet, but boy, did I want to keep what I got for her!  LOL!  I even took photos of it to show you!  Any who, while I was out I found a few bargains I did get to keep for myself, so it's all good!

I got this plate at TJ Maxx for $1.00!  Wow! I know right?  I have looked at these since they came out back in March!  It's part of some things they got in for St. Patricks day!  It's a dinner plate but since I only got one I plan to use it as a serving dish.

The rope knot designs on here are supposed to have some sort of Celtic meaning, but there wasn't anything in the box.  I guess I will have to do some research on the Internet.

While I was at Michael's I came across these cute mini potted floral arrangements.  They were on clearance for only .79cents each! 

I thought these will be perfect little extras for all the tablescaping fun I am having!  I also picked up some more ribbon since it was half off!  I just cannot go into that store without buying ribbon, IDK why?

Speaking of tablescaping, let me show you a little something I am using unconventionally.  I bought this wrought iron piece a few months back at a resale store to go in my half bath.  I wanted it to stand beside my pedestal sink to put a lamp on a few accessories but it would not fit!  As with most things I buy that I'm not sure where to put them they end up in the dining room until I find a permanent place for it.  However, I think this will stay right where it is!

As you can see, I started stacking some of my napkins on this, to keep them handy.  I even put some napkins with the napkin rings right on the stack too!  By having these napkins visually out it helps me to get inspired for the next tablescape!  Pretty cool huh?  Then I even started stacking some rolled place mats, on the bottom shelf.  Not crazy about that, but I am sure I will reorganize this soon.  

I have also been playing around with what to put on the top of the shelf.  This is my latest idea.

It's an electric candle hurricane lamp I picked up a few years ago from an antique store that had a craft section in the back.  I want to paint the base on this now.  I just love the fake flame light bulb!

These napkin rings were a fantastic deal from the Lenox Outlet in Myrtle Beach.  Everything in the store was half off the week I was there.  I paid less then $4.00 for the set.  I got these and a few other other beauties I am saving for another post!

I just love the pearl look to these and think they will be perfect in a setting I am working on for this week.  They really are not this pink, they are actually more lavender in color.

This little beauty is also going to look great in my setting this week.  I also got this from my favorite store in Surfside Beach, Tomlinson's Warehouse.  It was only $3 and some change, can't remember exactly!  There were 3 different styles but I only got the one! 

And finally for the best bargain of the day!  They are the whole reason I just had to do a tablescape this week!  Yesterday, while doing my usual Monday grocery run at the local Walmart, there was a lady from the floral department pushing a cart around loaded with flowers she was giving away!  Yep, you heard that right, they were FREE!  She said they had passed their shelf life and were going to be thrown out unless we wanted them.  As you can imagine, I wasn't the only one thrilled to get these!  I wish more stores would do that!  I have heard the horror stories of what some of these larger chains literally throw away because something has passed it's shelf life or been replaced by newer merchandise.

Thanks for sticking around, be sure and come back later this week to see my setting okay?
Leave me a comment if you visited, because I still love hearing from you!


  1. Congrats to Cass. You found some great buys, but my mouth dropped open with the plate from T.J. Maxx. What a deal.

  2. Congrats to the winner...I love that place from TJ's nice score the cute little flowers too from Michaels. Enjoy the day!~ Debbie

  3. COngrats to Cass for winning. You got some lovely finds! The plate is very pretty and you are right about those flower pots, they'll be great for tablescaping and I love the bird!...Christine

  4. You got some wonderful buys and free flowers to boot. Thanks for sharing and congrats to Cass.

  5. Wow , you can't beat free!! I have never seen that happen.


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