
Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's Rainbow Red in Summer School

I am so sorry I am late!  Seems I just can't get anything right this week!  It has been a very stressful week for me for sure!  What was I thinking that I could jump into a clerical job for a whole week?  First off, I am not a 9 to 5er, haven't been for some time.  What me think I could do it?  Secondly, I am not looking for a position 5 days a week, 9 to 5, even if it was only temporary!  Finally, and most importantly I am not a clerical worker!  I have never felt so depressed and stressed in quite awhile.  That was just NOT me!  Yes, I know my clerical skills leave a lot to be desired and really need a major boost of improvement!  I also know I could get there fairly quick should I really want to do so!  But.... would that really make me happy?  NO!  I certainly learned that again this week.  That is not me!  I am the happy retailer that delights in helping you at the store!  It doesn't make much money, it doesn't have much status ( or respect for that matter ) but it is what makes ME happy!

  So why, did I think I should take on this assignment this week?  I really have no excuse other then, I was trying to please others but in doing so, made myself really sick with stress!  So sick that I decided I could not finish the week doing something I had no desire to do, not even for the money.    If you could see me now, you might see a slight stain of RED on my cheeks.  That is red from embarrassment!  I know who I am, so why I was trying to be something I am not?  I don't know!  Temporary insanity I guess!

OK, so now back to the point!  I am sorry I am late Mrs. Jenny Matlock!  I would like very much to join your class today @
I understand it's Rainbow Red day here for summer school.  I have so much to learn!  What? Oh, yes mam, this is my first time attending your class, uhh,  yes mam, I know what time class starts.  Oh goodness, my face is turning RED again!  Thank you so much!  Whew, that worked!
Look, I even brought something for you!  Sorry, I didn't have any apples on hand but I do have these!

A sweet bowl full of  RED HOTS!   Speaking of, if anyone ever gives you a bag full of red hots be sure and put them in their own candy dish.  If you put them in a bowl with other candies, like chocolate kisses for example, they will make your kisses taste like a red hot too, YUCK!  Your welcome Mrs. Matlock, your right, that is useful information.

I also have a beautiful RED electric candle holder! 

In my dining room I have a flower book that is loaded with RED.

I also have a hint of red on this pillow in my dining room too.

And some newly purchased red napkins to go with my red plates that I forgot to take a picture of.  Oh please, I will do better next time when I am not so stressed to get to class.

Speaking of stressed, this poor room is stressed!  This is my oldest sons bedroom.  This is one of my sons twin beds from when they were smaller.  He of course took the double bed with him when he moved out.  His room still needs quite a bit of updating but that's a project for another day.

This is my younger sons room!  He snatched these red cubes from me that I had in my craft room.  I also like to put these downstairs in the den during Christmas for more RED color and extra seating for guests.

He still has this red bookcase that went with the twin bed.  Please ignore the mess on the shelves.  It is behind his computer desk, and he uses it during school.    I assume he knows where everything is on here right?

I am such a color coordinator, I even painted the knobs on their antique dresser red.

In my spare bedroom/craft room I still have this sweet little red rocker that I bought for my oldest son when he was just a wee little fella!  It was at a thrift store too and I remember being so thrilled with the price!

On my desk chair in the craft room, I have a beautiful piece of art my mother brought back to me from her aunt's in Panama.  Yes, I am talking about the pillow!  I can't remember the name of the craft style this pillow is made in.  But basically they make it by layering the fabrics.  It's very cool!

Back downstairs again, in my kitchen I have a black bench to drop our stuff on when we come in the door.  It has a lovely red toile cushion with matching pillow!  I made these myself!

Look, there's a touch of red in my den too, under the lamp!

And one I really should pay more attention too!   My little red dictionary on the bench that I keep my laptop on, beside my favorite chair!  Yes Mam!  I would love some extra credit for that!  Oh, thank you!

Excuse me, Mrs. Matlock I also want to tell you a little something I learned today.  Taking pictures of red is very hard depending on the lighting.  I had quite a time.  I did see that if I turned the flash off, my pictures seemed to come out more accurate.  I mean like, they were more true to the color they actually are!  Only, sometimes the lighting in the room still affected the outcome.   What?  Uhh, yes Mam, I do know that this is not a photography class.  No Mam, I am not trying to be a smart Alec. Yes Mam, I will be quite now! can still leave a comment if you want.. Just pass me a note, Okay?   Giggle-giggle!!!  


  1. Hehe...Miss Jenny is a cool teacher she will give you a free pass this time:) Awesome reds...I cracked up at your story....NOPE not me either 9 to 5 would kill me for the week...that is what I did for 15 years, those days are long I am a 24 hour 7 day a week girl:) I really love the red bed frame!

  2. Hey, you know what right for you! You will be happier in the end! Love the red rocker! I had one when I was a kid!

  3. I think Mrs. Matlock will understand that you were placed in a business class by mistake. Her class is where you really want to be.

  4. Mrs Matlock is very understanding so you'll be most welcome in her class!

    She'll adore such wonderful examples of Rainbow Red in your post! And love the rocker & all those gorgeous pillows!

    Happy Rainbow Red day,


    PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can stop by!

  5. I'm late, too, but hey it is still Thursday. I am not a 9-5 anymore either. Had my fair share of those days. I was miserable in the last years, too and was so glad the day I went in and gave my notice. I was doing the happy dance for sure. Life is too short to be miserable. Love all your reds for red week at Miss Jenny's.

  6. Clerical? Not nearly creative enough for a member of Mrs. Matlock's class.
    Glad you skipped out long enough to post!

  7. I'm not a 9-5'r clerical worker either so I can relate~ I do love some Red Hots though :-)

  8. How funny, because I'm the opposite! I have always been a 9-5'er and when I did go into retail {loss prevention after I got my degree in Criminal Justice} I couldn't cut it. I hated not having the same hours every day, working evenings/nights. I told my hubby at the time that if I had gone into retail as my first jobs, I'd probably have been okay, but I was working in law firms since I was 16 and I guess those are the things we get used to. Besides your cheeks, love your other reds! : )

  9. It has been so much fun looking at everyone's red constributions today - and visiting people's homes. I love seeing how wonderfully decorative folks are. I have sort of stopped since I occupy the whole downstairs now - which began years ago with my being on call all the time and having to come and go all hours of the day and night.

    At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
    ( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

  10. Your "Red" Post made me laugh.. and brought back such sweet memories of "my Sons" Red twin bed and dresser (when he was little).. he is grown now and saves lives in the Coast Guard...Thanks so much for the memories...
    And Thank you for your visit to my blog.. I'd send you some Jam if I could...

  11. You are totally cracking me up! I too gave up 9-5 jobs about 20 years ago, can't even fathom going back that route. Way too much stress, and life is too short.

    Have fun!

  12. We have a little red rocker just like that for Jemma! Sorry you had such a stressful week. Chin up my friend! You will find exactly what you are looking for!

  13. i really like the red bed is adorable! and for the record...i didn't think the bookcase was all that should see mine!!!
    love all the red items about your house.

  14. I've spent too much of my life doing things to please other people. I'm glad you caught yourself and stopped doing the job you hated. I hope the "red" face fades quickly.

  15. I think everyone gets one free tardy! You did a great job with the assignment, and sometimes it is best to quit. Look forward to next week's post.


  16. scattered red,
    hard red,
    soft red,
    solid red...
    all of the reds are beautiful here.
    way 2 go!

  17. Enjoyed all your reds, especially the boys left over furnitire. They say to truley be happy you have to do work that you love. I think you're on the right road.

  18. This was one of my favorite posts this week, it really made me smile. Mrs. Matlock is really a big sweetie, she won't put you in detention for too long. And if she does, I'll help you clean the erasers. You are right, retail workers do not get much respect, which I will never understand. Having to work with the whims of John Q Public is an extremely demanding job! And those who do it well and enjoy it should be compensated alot better than they are. Kat

  19. Funny post and love all your different pictures...hope you are not stressed any least until next week..bkm

  20. Stopping by from Miss Jenny's party! Love all your red! It makes me smile that I'm not the only one with boys that have stuff all over their room!! Real life, right???

  21. Here it is, Saturday, and I'm still reading everyone's homework.
    Your reds were great! I hope your cheeks are back to normal and that all thought of returning to that sort of work has flown out the window!

  22. Enjoyed all your reds here! Take it from me...who usually gets in to class as the tardy bell rings (and even after...when Ms. Jenny so kindly lets me still slide through the door and join in) and has been at the end of the roster!...She is the most forgiving of teachers :o) & I am still trying to catch up on everyone's!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Oh...the beautiful penguin is called a MOLA... I love how colorful they are. And whew! I hope that you are fully recovered from that 9 to 5! I love my patients that I see, but a wee bit of me thinks of when I have more free time to do...sewing, quilting, traveling, crafting, baking, etc. etc...

  23. What an adorable stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Summer School.

    I don't think you should be RED that you recognized something that was making you unhappy. I think you should be proud that you said "no" and stood up for yourself.

    Hooray for you!

    What fun red pictures! (even if they were hard to take ;-)

    My favorite is that red bed.

    It makes me think of a Dr. Seuss poem.

    Yes, Mr. Zed.
    The bed is red.

    Thank you for linking. I'm glad you're back to doing what you love.


  24. GREAT post!! especially for the first all your red, especially the artsy panama penguin and the little red rocker!


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