
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sometimes Patience Pays Off!

I am very excited about this weeks finds.  I have been watching something at one of our local consignment stores for about a month now and finally went for it.  Wait, I will get back to that in a moment.

 First, let me show you my GW finds!  I made a special trip out there this week after seeing so many of you coming up with such neat stuff.  It is rather out of the way for me to go to GW and in a very heavy traffic area. Usually my visits to GW aren't very fruitful, but this week I was pretty pleased.  Here's a quick glimpse of my finds and a peek of the consignment store bargain..can you guess what came from where?

That's right!  The dish's are the consignment store bargain.  The rest was from GW!

Let's look at these GW goodies!  They are ceramic soup and cracker bowls!  I just fell in love with them the instant I saw them.  I love how unique and unusual they are!  They are off white in color with brown specks.

When I flipped them over I was very happy to see the name on the back,  Robert Weiss Ceramics, USA.  I have heard of him before and do know there is a market for his pottery.  These do not currently carry a very high value with starting bids on Ebay only at $7.99 each.  However, considering I only paid .60 cents a piece for them they are very valuable to me!  I was lucky enough to get a set of four.

I also bought these decorative oil bottles from GW!  I have recently seen two of our bloggers using them in their kitchen decor and really liked how they looked.  Check out the kitchen photos at and for more beautiful vignettes using these types of bottles.  I just couldn't pass them up at .80 cents a piece, would you?

Now , for my super exciting news!  I first saw these dish's on another one of our blogging friends posts.  You can see them here on Anita's blog @
She does beautiful table scapes that are to die for!  You really need to visit her blog!!!

 When I saw these dish's I was immediately in love with the Ivy pattern.  I have wanted to add a new set of everyday to my cupboards but hadn't really seen anything out there that has made me move into action.  Being a thrifty gal, I have also been looking for a bargain!  This was essential since I really don't NEED more dishes.  Even though I loved the way the Franciscan Ivy pattern looked, I wasn't out searching to find them.  Then about a month ago I saw them in one of our local consignment stores.  At that time they were already marked 50% off of what she had them priced for.  However, I was still in the admiring stage of these dishes, especially since there was a complete set of four and many serving pieces all priced individually.  Two weeks ago I walked in and saw that all the Franciscan Ivy was on sale 75% off the lowest price.  Can you believe I still didn't buy?  Well, I waited patiently but it sure was weighing heavily on me!  Then yesterday, I went back in and happily bought the dishes!

I got 4 plates at $2.50 each and 4 salads at $2.00 each and four small bowls at $2.00 each!  I was thrilled!  She had the larger cereal bowls also at $5.00 each, but I passed on those.  I couldn't understand why she would have had the bowls priced higher then the plates.  Weird! 

There was also a set of four cup and saucers a teapot, serving bowls, butter dish, sugar bowl, and gravy boat.  I didn't get any of those when I left yesterday.

  When I got home I was expecting the Mr. to fuss about why we need, yet another set of dishes.  Instead, he surprised me by saying these were the dish's he grew up with.  He said, he is very confidant his sister has the dish's now.  I haven't been able to talk to her yet to confirm this but am so excited.  He insisted these were one and the same.  He remembered the Ivy and really liked them. 

I was so encouraged by his reaction last night that I decided to add more.  Today I went back and added these three serving pieces to my collection.

I got the small 7" serving bowl and the larger 8" serving bowl....

... and this 8" lidded casserole dish.

I am so excited to have gotten such a good deal on getting started with this set, and absolutely love the way they look!
I am so thrilled about all my great finds this week!   I am even more thrilled that this time being patient paid off!  I'm listening God, but it is really hard at times!  Thank you for being so patient with me!

I'm sharing this with everyone over at the Garage Salen Party @

Please be sure and stop by the link above to see more great finds.

Have a great weekend Yall!


  1. I love your ivy dishes that you certainly lucked up on. Anita and I are friends from rms and then I was her very first follower of her blog. She is so sweet and does set the best tables. I love those pottery soup and cracker bowls you got, too. You had a very good week.

  2. You really had some great finds~ love the Franciscan Ivy dishes! They're such nice quality! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog and for your nice comments! I'm looking forward to reading to more...I'm a new follower!

  3. Wow, you really did find some wonderful things. I love the soup and cracker bowls, what a great find. Your bottles are super too, I know you will really enjoy decorating with them, they are so much fun. The ivy dishes are just gorgeous. Isn't it fun to have some that your DH likes and reminds him of when he grew up. Finding the serving pieces is a real plus too. Those are usually long gone. You did great. Hugs, Marty

  4. How amazing they ended up being the same pattern your husband grew up with. Won't they look good a Christmas with red napkins!

  5. I am coveting your bottles with stuff in them! I have four in my kitchen now so if those guys ever need a new home, think of me!!! :-) I love the ivy dishes and what an awesome deal you got on them! I have Mikasa ivy lane from our wedding set that I use everyday and they are all starting to break. It is breaking my heart! I love those dishes. I know you will set a fabulous table with them.

    I was at Home Depot last night and they had these beautiful red, white and blue umbrellas! Made me think of you! Not as pretty as your blue, but so cute and festive! Hope you are keeping cool this weekend. We are headed to the pool!

  6. Amazing and patience does pay ;) HAHA!

  7. You must have been wiggling in your seat to get these scores out to us:) Seriously, those where awesome buys...and all so useful. I can't wait to see a couple of table scapes with these. Love it! And thanks Mary for joining in on the party. Debbie

  8. Ha! I had to chuckle over the fact that you took his memory of the dishes to mean it was okay to go back and buy more! : ) Way to go! They are very pretty and I guess it was meant to be if they were still there all this time. I had a fabulous morning at Goodwill myself and will be sharing my finds in the next day or two.

  9. I think you know this but I'll say it anyway,,
    you did GREAT~!! I adore those filled jars..


  10. First, I love those soup and cracker dishes. We have alot of soups, stews, chili and the like and I am always on the hunt for the perfect server! Great find. Second, those Ivy dishes. Oh, oh, oh. A big squeeze to the perfect husband who insisted you get the rest. They are a true find and I don't think you will ever regret the purchase.

  11. I have never seen the ivy pattern dishes before, but I am in love with them now. And at such a great deal - you did well.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  12. you had a very good week!!!! you go girl!

  13. I am just loving those ivy dishes and how amazing is that that your hubby grew up with the same dishes!! Some things are just meant to be!!


  14. Great finds! I love the ivy dish set and you did get a good deal on them. I love your hubbies reaction too. It always helps when the hubbies are encouraging too.

  15. Way to go with those ivy dishes! I think they will mix and match with just about everything.

    Those soup and cracker bowls will be favorites for years to come. What a buy you got on those! It's so nice to see something made in the US, isn't it?


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