
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ahoy Matey! Permission granted to come Aboard!

Hi All!  It's time for Outdoor Wednesday @   I must confess I love this party!  It's fun for me because I love being outdoors!  It has still been awfully hot around here but lucky for us we had a bit of a break this weekend.  Saturday we had incoming storms that passed right by us leaving a slight drop in temperature, light sprinkles, overcast and breezy skies.  The perfect combination for a day of sailing on the lake!

I shared these photos with you last week to give you a hint at what I was working on for Saturday. 

Several of you we're right on target!   Arrghh!   No, It didn't involve me wearing a patch, but some of our other members did!  This was a fun day for our cruising fleet as we all participated in our very first
 "Capture the Flag"  race event.   It was a fun filled unofficial race of teams.  Our teams were named Pirates, Privateers and Buccaneers and were divided according to which dock your boat was on.  The first team that had all boats participating per team to arrive at our destination would win the flag!  I am happy to say the dock we were on was the winning team!  Yay " B " dock!  We now have official bragging rights!  Woohoo!

Here's what I was working on...

This was the flag we were all hoping to capture!

Preparing for our race instructions!

Last minute preparations before leaving..

And we are off!  These first photos show how the weather was a little rough at first.
But we pirates are a randy bunch!

Arrghh!  Those tall ships filled with Buccaneers and Privateer's make me skin crawl!

Look closely matey, I spy our flag aboard this vessel!
Ahoy!  Let's circle the mark!

Time to make our way back to the fort, bottoms up! 

Who's this wench with this hunky pirate?

But wait, what do ye spy under the sail there? 

Why it's a large bounty...

..just waiting to be overtaken!

Argghh!!  It's getting away!

Aye!  I've heard tales of the "Southern Patriot" before!
Let her be, we have more pressing issues back at fort.

Such as enjoying some grub!

More salty tales of the sea!

A bit of fun!

And bit o'folly!

There's talk of conspiracy... and a winning team is announced!

Then we're hijacked, and sidetracked...

...and tha...thaa..thass...that's all folks!

Hope you enjoyed the reveal of my fun filled Saturday special event!  I had a great time!  Please be sure and leave me a note if you stop by and enjoyed the adventure.  Love to hear from you!
First Mate Mary


  1. How fun!!! For a minute there, I thought someone stole our pontoon boat and was after the flag!!! Long trip from Missouri! lol

    Looks like everyone had a great time!

  2. Oh I loved it...we would have had a blast....looking pretty cute there Mary!!~

  3. Looks like you had a great day and congrats on the win!

  4. What a great and happy post! Looks like you all had a ball!


  5. Thanks for the great story and the enjoyable giggle!

  6. Oh, that looked like a lot of fun. What a wonderful day! I think there is a bit of pirate in all of us. I ask the kids all the time "What arrrgh you doin?"

  7. Looks like an amazing event! You make sailing look like a breeze! :)
    God Bless,

  8. Looks like so much fun.

    I've never been on a sailboat but want to some day.

  9. Wow! I bet that was a blast! I love sailing and when you add fun and games to it, it is even better! ~ Tracy

  10. You look like you are having a wonderful time!
    What a great day!


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