
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pink Saturday & Happy Mother's Day Wish

For all my new friends and followers out there, I want to extend a very heartfelt, Happy Mother's Day!  I'll be joining Pink Saturday today @

This is a tribute to all my new blogging friends that includes a beautiful pink flower display.

I have been having the most fun getting to know some of you and being inspired by all your wonderful posts.

I cannot tell you how much of joy it has been to be able to find so many women who share my love for decorating, gardening and projects of all sorts.   Unlike a lot of women, I do not have a group of women that I regularly get together with.  Lot's of women have bunco groups, girls nights out, and various other women's social groups that they are a part of.  I  don't have that pleasure.  It's not that I would not welcome one, it's just that I have not found the right fit for me.  It's largely because I have devoted a great deal of my time to my family and various jobs I have held.  I do have a few close friends that I treasure.  Unfortunately, with their work schedules and family's, our times spent together are limited at best.  I am always grateful for the times we do get to spend together and can never seem to get enough!

If there is one thing I have learned in life, it is that we all need to SHARE our lives in order to have the abundant love that God has promised.  

 My previous job taught me alot about myself that I hadn't known before.  You see working in a small town in a small shop you get to know people.  I miss that interaction tremendously!  I had always thought of a store as somewhere you got in, shopped and got out!  I generally don't chat with the sales people as I am usually very intent on "seeing" all that there is before me.  I like to soak it all in as I am a very visual person.  However, at my previous employment I had the most chatty customers you can imagine.  We were a small embroidery shop with many items available to be embroidered.  Our customers would tend to linger!  We had a very dated check out system that included a calculator and hand written recites.  It took time to check out!  For the most part our customers didn't seem to mind.  They were usually a patient bunch and used this opportunity to chat and visit.  So many took the time to visit I often thought we should set up coffee and cakes at times.  That's what can happen in a small town store.  Sadly, these stores are becoming more and more extinct.  If you have such an opportunity in your area, enjoy it, for you are blessed!

  There are several larger stores further down the road that I may eventually look for employment but it will not be the same.  There will not be the customers who ask how you are today?  Or the ones who seem to just want to come in and tell you how their life is going.  We all need someone to talk too!  That is part of why I am blogging and am so happy to have found you all.  You are my "shop" ladies!  The ones who want to see what I have and want to share what you have done.  Luckily for me, somewhere along the way you are also sharing your lives! 

Most people would say, but they are not real friends, they are only online!  They might even question why I would want to share so much with people I don't even know?  I am happy to say that is not the case.  I have never met a nicer group of women then the ones I am blogging with right now and it has only been a few months!  Real friendships are made a little bit at a time and the truest ones stand the test of time.  Lasting friendships take effort, communication, and nurturing both ways.   I am thrilled that there seems to be such a mutual understanding of this among my blogging friends.  This giving and taking to maintain the relationship.  You are filling a void for me and for that I am ever so grateful!

Finally, I want to share one more thing.  I have a friend who shared an email to her daughter and DIL's for Mothers Day and it included this verse, from Proverbs 31.   I want to also share it with all of you!  So many of you are living just this way as I can see it in some of the things you are sharing.   I don't manage to meet up to much of this in many ways but I'd like to think that I am heading in the right direction.

Proverbs 31:

A good woman is hard to find,

and worth far more than diamonds.

Her husband trusts her without reserve,

and never has reason to regret it.

Never spiteful, she treats him generously

all her life long.

She shops around for the best yarns and cottons,

and enjoys knitting and sewing.

She's like a trading ship that sails to faraway places

and brings back exotic surprises.

She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast

for her family and organizing her day.

She looks over a field and buys it,

then, with money she's put aside, plants a garden.

First thing in the morning, she dresses for work,

rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.

She senses the worth of her work,

is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.

She's skilled in the crafts of home and hearth,

diligent in homemaking.

She's quick to assist anyone in need,

reaches out to help the poor.

She doesn't worry about her family when it snows;

their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear.

She makes her own clothing,

and dresses in colorful linens and silks.

Her husband is greatly respected

when he deliberates with the city fathers.

She designs gowns and sells them,

brings the sweaters she knits to the dress shops.

Her clothes are well-made and elegant,

and she always faces tomorrow with a smile.

When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say,

and she always says it kindly.

She keeps an eye on everyone in her household,

and keeps them all busy and productive.

Her children respect and bless her;

her husband joins in with words of praise:

"Many women have done wonderful things,

but you've outclassed them all!"

Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.

The woman to be admired and praised

is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.

Give her everything she deserves!

Festoon her life with praises!

Thank you for taking the time to share in my life and for opening up yours!  Bless you all!  Happy Pink Saturday and a very Happy Mother's Day!



  1. What a gorgeous post! Your gardens are awesome, you have a green thumb! I am glad you started blogging as well. Although I do have a group of women I am friends with, NOT one shares my passion for decorating creating and doing projects....they say opposites attract, that is certainly true in my case. However, they benefit because I am always helping them with something:) Have a wonderful weekend, my new blogging friend!

  2. Ooops! I just realized I missed the cutoff to join the Pink Saturday party! Oh well, I'm still learning so much. Sorry!
    And thanks Debbie, I'm really having. I know your group of friends really do benefit from your friendship too! Your so creative & fun! Really do appreciate all your help!

  3. Such a beautiful post. I so agree with you that the friendships we create here are all very real. I have been fortunate enough to meet several fellow bloggers and such precious ladies in real life. Sharing is so fulfilling and being inspired by others is such a blessing. Hope you have a very Blessed Mother's Day. Hugs, Marty

  4. You sound just like me. I don't have any groups to get together in either. If we lived closer we could get together. When I do something with other girls it is my mom and sister or daughter usually. Thanks for the flower photos and the mother's day wish...Same to you!!!!

  5. Hi,
    Thanks for your comments on my beauty bush. You know, I think an avid gardener came over some years ago and called it that very thing, widgelia(sp?) Thanks for reminding me! Your flowers are georgous!

  6. Beautiful post and welcome to hps!
    Happy Pink Saturday

  7. Hahahaha... I also missed the Pink Saturday cutoff the first time I thought I could join it .. and for some reason I've never done it again. I should try it sometime.

    I LOVE all your flower pictures -- just gorgeous. but even more, I was touched and moved by your post. What a lovely lady you are!

    I tell my girls, who are in their early 20s and beginning to "shrink" their circle of "best friends," that as we get older and busy with jobs, family, etc., we DO have fewer friends to gather with, but those that we have become even more precious. I'm also so impressed by the women I have met in the blogging community. And that includes you!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  8. You are so sweet. I had a great neighborhood group with Bunco, cookouts, patio parties and all that before I moved, but the dynamics of the group changed and it became different from the family oriented group that it started out to be so I found myself withdrawing. I still did things, but stayed more with my bestest bud there who was raising her kids the way that I want to raise my own daughter. Now that we have moved, I have made new friends, but it isn't the same. Blogging has been a blessing to me too! I am glad we have found each other!

    I am so jealous of your obvious green thumb! Mine is pretty black/brown. I have managed to keep geraniums alive this season so far. They aren't big or anything, but they are alive and I actually have impatiens that I haven't managed to kill! Go me!!!

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  9. Beautiful!

    Happy Mother's Day to you.

  10. I loved all the pretty photos but not as much as your lovely words.. I wish I could have been one of your SHOP ladies. I would have stopped in often and chatted a lot:) I hope one day the small shops will make a comeback..


  11. What a beautiful post!! I love the Proverbs 31 scripture too:-) I am very similar in that I don't have a group of ladies to hang out with, but some very good friends at church. We all have families and I think that makes it hard when we are so busy at home. I agree that it would be great if those small shops made a comeback. Hope you had a beautiful weekend!!


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