
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Missing the Boat

Happy St. Patricks Day! In our house we will be celebrating lightly, by wearing green so as not to get pinched today. Did you know that pinching someone for not wearing green is an American tradition? Much like the celebrating of St. Patricks day itself is largely American. I have always thought it funny how many Irish ancestors come out of the wood work on this day. My husband has always claimed Irish ancestry but who really knows. Our last name sounds like it could be Irish, but is more likely English. We do have redheads in our family as well, so there you go and of course we love our beer! Long story short, I can't help but feel like I have missed the boat on this holiday. I have been busy learning how to blog and haven't planned for all the cooking and decorating I feel largely lacking to celebrate this holiday. Now if you asked me have I always took this holiday so seriously, I would say, " NO! " But since signing on to my latest obsession, I am blown away with all the beautiful table scapes and delicious meals and desserts displayed before my eyes. For those of you who are not aware, blogging seems to connect a vast network of extremely talented women. I feel somewhat like Alice in Wonderland who has just landed in the middle of The Mad Hatters Tea Party. I overwhelmed with the opportunity's to join in to such fun. A small sampling of activities would include, tea party Tuesdays, (of all sorts), Outdoor Wednesdays, table scape Thursday, foodie Fridays..the lists go on an on. It's all virtual eye candy with delightful commentary. I can hardly decide where to jump in first. I can tell my husband will be pleased to see me getting much more use out of my camera. Thank goodness, I have already learned to use my camera! I can tell I'm set for quite an adventure for sure. Well, I guess I'm off to salvage this holiday and see if I can scrounge up some Irish fare for supper. One thing is for sure, I do not like to miss the boat!


  1. YAY for you!~ I am so happy you are getting excited. There is so much to learn and do, and I find myself constantly bouncing around, updating my blog list, and getting more confused sometimes than I know....but nonetheless having a blast!

  2. You are definitely in for a great adventure! It is such a neat way to show your ideas and thoughts. I think I am getting the hang of it a bit, and then I try to do something totally new! I wrote a whole post on my daughter last night and then deleted the whole darn thing. Oh well... for another day! Girl, you have music! I don't even know how to start doing that! Good luck with your Irish dinner. You will have to check out my Ireland pics on my blog! I just wasted, I mean enjoyed the last two hours of my life making rainbow cupcakes. I think I will have to post them because I spent so much darn time on them!!

  3. Welcome! I like your discription of blogland as feeling like Alice in Wonderland looking at all of the eye candy. I'm the same way. I plan to go leave a comment, and I find myself looking around the whole blog, then I see antoher one in their sidebar and click there. It goes on and on until it's time to get up and do something...and I never left my comment.
    Oh well, I love blog land too. Also, I didn't know that about pink flamingo people. I guess because I'm the only one I
    Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I have a tip for you. Once you start aquiring a lot of posts, someone may comment on a very old one and you may never know. For this I use the "comment moderation".
    Go to "settings" click on "comments" located in the task bar.
    Scroll down to "comment moderation".
    If you're on "never"... you might miss comments on old posts.
    So click "always". That way they all come in to the same place and you choose to "reject" or "publish" them.
    At that time, you view by "post name" this is located at in a task bar right above your list of comments.
    When you click puts all of the comments in post order.
    I sure hope this helps because I was goiing crazy at first. I couldn't find anything.
    Or you might already know all of this, lol

  5. Hi Kelly! Thanks for the tip! I welcome any and all tips and advice for blogging. No, I didn't already know about settings. This is very unfamiliar territory for me. Still wading through it all. I really appreciate it!


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